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软件名称: ABOT News Reader V3.2.2 汉化版
界面语言: 简体中文
软件类型: 国产软件
运行环境: 2003/XP/Win2000/NT/Win9x
软件大小: 1.42 M
软件登陆: admin
联系作者: xiaoa@abot.cn
官方网址: 官方站
程序演示: 演示
整理时间: 2007-06-06
软件简介: 爱博报刊杂志阅读器(英文版),免费阅读2000份报纸(以美国的新闻媒体为主),是学习英语的好工具。

英文版 http://www.xiaoa.cn/dev/AbotNewsReader_en.aspx
汉化版 http://www.xiaoa.cn/dev/AbotNewsReader.aspx

As an excellent newspapers reader provided by Xiaoa Tech., ABOT News Reader allows you to read more 2000 well-known publications electronic version of newspapers directly.
You will trouble nothing about spending money and buying newspaper with this tool. On the other hand, you can get the latest news all over the world at home if you computer is connected to the Internet.
The feature of this software including:
1. The detail classification of the newspapers and magazines.
2. Personalized content and customized interface.
3. Developing it using MFC, saving system resources, more stable performance
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下载说明: ☉推荐使用迅雷或网际快车下载本站资源,建议使用WinRAR v3.10及以上版本解压资源压缩包!
 上一软件:CrazySpell英语单词学习平台 V2.0 下一软件:Asynx Planetarium V2.20
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